Loading bay slab, Container Yard, Road

Steel fiber reinforcement concrete (SFRC): rigid pavement, slab on ground, empty storage, loading bay slab.

Popular application

A correctly designed and constructed durable floor is the basics required in order to produce a functional and serviceable floor in today’s industrial buildings. The correct choice of steel fibre and relevant specifications for floor slabs is of vital importance. Sub-standard floor slabs can result in very costly remedial processes and potentially expensive disruption of the client’s business.

As the fiber content increases, propagation of newly formed cracks requires a much higher level of energy than what was used to create them. Under these circumstances, more new cracks are formed, whereas the existing cracks which require additional energy to propagate behave as stationary and remain inactive. This results in multiple crack formation as opposed to the propagation of a dominant single crack.



Benifit of Auber fiber

1 - Steel fibers are always evenly distributed throughout the floor while wire mesh and rebar often ends up at the wrong elevation as it gets stepped on or knocked out of position during construction.

2 - Steel fiber reinforcement allows for a cleaner safer and more efficient jobsite with no wire mesh and rebar to create a trip hazard or interfere with concrete trucks and screeding machines.

3 - Reduced time and labor. Your job can proceed faster by eliminating the time and expense of placing rebar or wire mesh.

Data Sheets & Guides

Design Tool

Use our design tool to design your next slab on grade project

Our online design tool will take you through the process and supply you with ready to use design and specification documentation for a steel fiber reinforced slab on grade floor.
